
The research work produced by Cerebral Palsy Greece/Open Door is extremely important. The research projects, implemented so far, address issues such as the lack of accessibility for people with disabilities in most Greek cities, relationships among siblings, living conditions, and whether having a child with a disability affects family relationships. An ongoing survey is examining the effects of the financial and covid crisis on families with disabled children. Data and results of our surveys are published and presented at scientific events in order to become more widely known.

Prevention and Public Enlightenment

Fifty years ago, the term “spastic” was a threatening and nebulous concept, overshadowed by ignorance and fear. Today, with the persistent efforts of Cerebral Palsy Greece, the vague image has begun to clear, as more and more Greeks see the true face of their fellow human being with cerebral palsy.

This ascertainment is a justification for Cerebral Palsy Greece/Open Door who has never ceased striving to inform and enlighten the public through a series of handouts, publications and broadcasts. The major Pan-Hellenic Prevention Campaign started as Cerebral Palsy Greece’s contribution to the International Year of the Child in 1979, and has been continuing ever since. For the first time, people in Greece were informed that, some of the disabilities caused by brain damage, can be prevented. It is estimated that, with the handouts and posters that were distributed throughout the country, at least 2,000,000 Greeks heard the message that the number of children born with cerebral palsy every year, can and should be reduced. Furthermore, Cerebral Palsy Greece organized three international scientific seminars on Prevention in 1975, 1979 and 1986.